"Why I'm Trying To Sell My Apple Watch"
Comparing the Apple Watch, specifically the Apple Watch Sport, to a Rolex is sort of ridiculous.
Comparing the Apple Watch, specifically the Apple Watch Sport, to a Rolex is sort of ridiculous.
Inside the subreddit r/AppleWatch, a user by the name of Mr_ER has designed an interesting Apple Watch adapter that we haven't seen before.
As a person who's owned several watches both cheap and expensive, I personally feel like the analog watch world, in the long run, is under great threat.
While I had my Apple Watch Sport, I did find myself not caring where my phone was, either at home or even when I went to my friend's house.
It's interesting to see how different people value different parts of the Apple Watch.
I do agree with the rest of Kim's assessment of the Watch. It grows on your slowly, and the more you live with it, the more you love it.
Even since I sold my Apple Watch, I've come to understand that the device's real allure is in its always-on-you convenience. That's it's killer app.
The video shows Wong using his voice to turn on his HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning), as well as unlock and even start this Model S.
I suspect that as we see third-party bands, watch faces, as well as Apple's own software and hardware iteration, this product will begin to become more and more popular.
Even without deep health monitoring, Apple Watch could be a lifesaver for the elderly and their entire families.
Unfortunately, it just doesn't seem like Android Wear something Google cares that much about. As an Apple Watch fan, that's depressing.
It isn't enough for its creators and wearers to want the Watch to succeed. Businesses above all else will need to spearhead its adoption.
The key use case for both Grinblo and myself is that Apple Watch serves as an assistant whose job is is to let us know when something requires our attention.
How is the Pebble Time only 0.2 less on the Verge's score when compared to the Apple Watch, especially when the Watch is being praised for good design?
A nice rundown by MKBHD. Much better than his initial Apple Watch review in my opinion.
Rather than evaluating whether the product is already mature, a better question is to ask whether Apple has laid a foundation on which Apple Watch can grow.
iMore's Rene Ritchie is one of the few people we know who has purchased and received a Black Steel Apple Watch and it looks GOOD.
AppoLearning's curated list of Apple Watch apps for education is a good resource for students and teachers alike.
Today's clickbait is brought to you by Tom Rich who just posted a video on why he "hates" the Apple Watch. Let's go through some of his complaints.
The best use cases for Apple Watch will be the ones that require no touching or at most one touch or swipe.
I believe that much of that is due to the newness of the product, which consists of a new interactions on a product that lives on our wrist.
Want Apple Watch Edition, but don't have the cash? You can get it gold plated. This 18K gold plated Apple Watch looks great. Apple Watch Edition retails up to $17,000, but not this one.
I agree. Putting the watch on isn't exciting but then again, what Watch is after a month? The idea is simply that the Watch is more capable than other watches you wear.