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Abdel Ibrahim


Co-founder of TheTechBlock and TechHunter
Latest from Abdel
Apple Watch vs Traditional Watch

Apple Watch vs Traditional Watch

Ariel Adams from ABlogToWatch -- a website dedicated to reviewing watches -- has written an extensive review of his time with the Apple Watch and whether or not the Apple Watch will replace his traditional watch.

Abdel Ibrahim
My Week Without Apple Watch

My Week Without Apple Watch

Ben Bajarin writing for Techpinion's shares his experience of going a week without his Apple Watch. His observations are quite interesting and I find his analysis to be spot on.

Abdel Ibrahim
Podcast: Interpretive Gestures

Podcast: Interpretive Gestures

Today’s discussion includes Sapphire vs. Ion-X glass, our recent watch face use, Apple Music on the Watch, how the two killer features of Fitness + Music will develop on the watch, and being a “Watch couple."

Abdel Ibrahim