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A Detailed Look at the Apple Watch Retina Display

A Detailed Look at the Apple Watch Retina Display

July 7, 2015

Retinal Neuroscientist and photographer Bryan Jones has taken detailed images of the Apple Watch display to the point where we’re able to view and discern individual pixels. The images taken show the various arrangements of red, green and blue light that make up every image from the Watch faces to a text messages that we see on the Apple Watch.


iPhone 6 Pixels

Jones also compares the differences between the display on the Apple Watch and the display on the iPhone since the Watch uses AMOLED technology and the iPhone currently uses LCD technology. From the images, the differences are quite notable since the iPhone pixels are aligned vertically versus the Apple Watch where the blue pixels act as a way to space the stacked red and green sub pixels.


Apple Watch Pixels

Jones also notes that you can see the Force Touch system by using a “bright indirect fiber optic light” witch reveals orange dots over the red, green and blue sub pixels. Fascinating.


Force Touch Pixels

You can check out the full report here.