NearHero is the fastest and smartest way to make extra money AND finally get stuff done. NearHero is a user-powered app that takes the hassle out of gig-seeking and hiring. Whether you need a housekeeper, a plumber, or an SAT tutor, there’s a Hero for you on NearHero. Simply sign up and create a profile. Once your profile is verified, you’re free to hire service providers or become a Hero (this is what we call the service providers. Cute, right?). With just a few clicks, you’re on your way to making extra money, getting stuff done, or both! Our in-app chat feature allows you to give your potential Hero details about your task to ensure you get the best match. NearHero’s unique platform makes it easy to switch between consumer and service provider using our Hero Mode. At the end of the day, everyone needs to get something done, and everyone can afford to make some extra money. Enjoy the NearHero Universe!