Tim Cook's Exclusive Apple Watch Is One Of A Kind
Apple CEO Tim Cook wears his Apple Watch everywhere (even in the shower). But if you look closely at photos of his watch, you can see that it’s a totally unique model that is not available to the public. …
Cook wears a stainless steel Apple Watch with a white sport band. That’s not the unusual bit. What’s different about Cook’s watch is the digital crown (the circular button that sticks out). Cook’s crown is capped with a section that’s coloured red.
You can’t buy the stainless steel Apple Watch with the red crown like Cook’s — Apple simply doesn’t sell that type of watch. Instead, only the gold Apple Watch Edition watches come with coloured crowns — and they start at £8,000 ($12,269).
Maybe Tim Cook’s Apple Watch isn’t made from stainless steel at all. Maybe it’s white gold. Or maybe it’s the rumored ultra-expensive platinum version, cleverly camouflaged to make folks think the generally nonchalant, non-ostentatious CEO is sporting the everyman’s model when he’s really got a cool 50 large dangling off his wrist. Maybe that red dot is a hint. Maybe that white Sport Band is an ironic in-joke for executives in the board room.
Or maybe it’s a standard mid-range wearable with a genuine Edition-style sticker applied to the Digital Crown. I’m sure Cook had every opportunity to nab a handful of them on his last tour of the Apple Watch assembly plant in China (where he was no doubt yelling at everyone to hurry it up already).
Or maybe Cook’s as grounded as advertised, so maybe it’s just a bit of nail polish. I myself have used this cheap, easy method to adorn many of my metallic thingamajigs, whether for highlighting stamped logos and insignias or brightening up important numerical markings. It works quite well, and a little acetone removes the durable enamel in case I ever decide I’d like a different hue. This is how I recommend customers of Apple Watch plating services go about completing their Edition illusions.