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Watch Apps
Approved Watch Apps
TeamsSync for Microsoft Teams
Maximilian Trauboth
TeamsSync lets you stay in contact with your team on your wrist. It is the first Apple Watch application for Microsoft Teams that, after having logged in, works entirely without the iPhone.
Ketan Appa
Tortica brings programming to your Apple Watch! By giving commands to move a turtle on the screen, you can create beautiful drawings! This app is ideal if you are new to programming or if you want to experience programming on your watch.
Patrick Culligan
A simple standalone iPhone or Apple Watch app for Word Major Marathon runners to let you know how much time you have before the next cutoff checkpoint (where you will be swept up by the bus and unable to finish the race).
Sushi Time | Москва
Tatiana Kataeva
Приложение Sushi Time — это удобный способ заказа еды домой или в офис! Мы готовим наши блюда из качественных свежих ингредиентов и доставляем еду быстро и бережно.
Daily Calorie Tracker
OpenAlloc LLC
Daily Calorie Tracker (DCT) is a minimalist app for tracking your daily caloric intake.
ShoppingList 4
Pecora GmbH
ShoppingList 4 is the shopping list app that offers you a safe and user-friendly shopping experience.
Money Lover
Finsify Technology Company Limited
Rest Easy, Master Your Money
Desada Metaj
Experience the next evolution in chatbot technology with iChatbot3, the ultimate AI-powered conversation partner. Powered by advanced natural language processing and cutting-edge chatbot technology, this app is designed to provide you with an unparalleled conversational experience like never before.
The Fitness Centerat South Sho
Netpulse Inc.
Elevate your fitness routine with the app! It's your all-in-one solution to easily monitor your workouts, track progress, and achieve your fitness goals with engaging insights and motivation.
Radio Kibuț
Gabriel Saftulescu
Acum e mult mai simplu cu aplicația Radio Kibuț: asculți Radio Kibuț fără întreruperi la o calitate de peste 128Kbps, comanzi produsele noastre la prețuri promoționale și ai prioritate la rezervările în restaurant Kibuț.
Люблю Чебурек | Ижевск
Ivan Kataev
Мы - новая, ультрамодная чебуречная формата стритфуд «Люблю Чебурек». Наша миссия – накормить вас вкусной едой из фритюра. Корн-доги, сырные и творожные шарики, картофель фри, луковые кольца, чебуреки и многое-многое другое - голодными не останетесь.
smart day
Petr Krasnov
В основе концепции Smart day лежит идея закрыть ежедневные потребности современного человека, который всегда находится в движении, занят работой или учёбой, предпочитает качественную еду и знает, что такое «хороший кофе».
学成 黄
Watch Browser with Keyboard
Bitsbaker LLC.
Watch Browser with Keyboard is a tiny browser with its own customized QWERTY keyboard for your Apple Watch.
Oxun Rowing
Ara Intelligence Limited
Looking to take your rowing workouts to the next level? Look no further than Oxun!
Эль & Хмель Шаурма | Липецк
Anastasia Limonova
Приложение Эль & Хмель Шаурма — это удобный способ заказа еды домой или в офис! Мы готовим наши блюда из качественных свежих ингредиентов и доставляем еду быстро и бережно.
Side Out
205L Studio
Side Out is a feature-packed Pickleball score keeper for your Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad or Mac. To keep track of your score in a game, you just have to swipe Up or Down to let "Side Out" known which team scored the point. Side Out will show you the current score, player positions and serving player / box. It works like magic!
Adaptive Plus Inc.
GoatChat is a revolutionary AI chatbot powered by ChatGPT & GPT-4, GPT-3.
IADR Meeting App
International Association For Dental Research
This is the official meeting app for the International Association for Dental Research and the American Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research. Within the app find the scientific programs for IADR General Sessions and AADOCR Annual Meetings.
Accessing your West Hills College student information has never been easier. The myWestHills mobile app from West Hills College puts all your student information and self-service tools at your fingertips allowing you to manage your courses, email, and student profile, all from your mobile phone.
URTeC Events
International Pavilion, LLC
The official app of the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC). The URTeC Events app will help you make the most of your conference experience with a full technical program, floor maps, schedules, and ways to connect with your fellow attendees. Download today for FREE!
Petr Krasnov
Подробное меню с описанием, составом, КБЖУ. Выбирай свой донер, наполни его яркими сочетаниями в прикуску с ближневосточными закусками!
Minha Claro Residencial
Claro S A
NET agora está na Claro