Georg Weber
The Purpose of the Application is to assist pilots in managing their flights with the greatest possible automation. It automatically recognizes departure and landing times as well as the origin and destination callsign, as well as the number of landings. Flight Time and Engine Time will be calculated automatically and displayed in decimal. It is a true assistant, which keeps all flight data available at all times. The Application also provides Course, Altitude and Speed indicators at Nodes and KM / h. During the flight you will be informed how much flight time and engine time have passed. In the Summary screen, the user can view the total of each previously recorded Flights. Flight Hours, Navigation Hours, IFR / VFR Hours, Night / Day Hours, Hours of single / twin, number of flights and landing amounts will be totaled. They can be totaled overall, months, or for a defined period. You can also view all flights on the map with the route taken!