YouTube Numbers Show Actual Apple Watch Interest Rate
Of the 22 million views of “Apple Watch” content uploaded to YouTube, Facebook, and other video platforms in the last 7 days, only 2 million can be attributed to the official Apple brand itself. The remaining 20 million views were generated by other big-name brands like Buzzfeed, MTV, and Bloomberg, and comedy channels SMOSH, and CollegeHumor.
However, the launch of the much-awaited wearable from Apple increased views to its official YouTube channel by 1480% last week, and the brand also saw a 332% increase in subscriber growth for the week beginning March 2nd.
Forget the massive media hype. That’s already a victory for Apple, and the company has us all doing our jobs. The real insight here for Apple Watch and its sales potential is the massive uptick Cupertino’s experienced in its YouTube channel‘s views and subscribers. Tech blog surveys with a few thousand regulars responding are one thing, but the mainstream Apple fan doesn’t care about any of that enough to know such polls even exist. They do, however, watch YouTube videos and sign up for more.
And while that might not translate into astronomically high sales figures out the gate, you shouldn’t be surprised when you miss the Apple Watch preorder by a couple of hours and end up having to wait a couple of weeks.