Apple Watch Capable of Sourcing Health Data From Bands, Apple Watch 2 Still On Track
The ever-so-reliable Mark Gurman reports that the Apple Watch is capable of capturing health data from bands, and that it was fully considered while the Watch was being designed and built. According to Gurman, the bands could also connect via Bluetooth, but using the diagnostic port would be more reliable.
According to our sources, the Apple Watch is indeed capable of sourcing health data from bands: the Apple Watch and its diagnostic port were actually designed with the possibility of bands with sensors launching in the future. These potential sensor bands could also integrate with the Apple Watch over Bluetooth, and Bluetooth-based health accessory connectivity is already an option in the Apple Watch’s Settings application, but sources note that the port is actually more reliable and faster than Bluetooth.
Gurman also says that while smart bands are possible, Apple Watch 2 is still in the cards for 2016. In fact, Gurman also uses the word “annually” to describe Apple Watch hardware upgrades:
Regardless, we are told that the potential presence of “Smart Bands” will not deter Apple from annually upgrading the Apple Watch’s hardware.
This isn’t all that surprising. If we view the Apple Watch as iPod 2.0, then it makes all the sense in the world for Apple to upgrade this product every year. Remember, the iPod didn’t need to be upgraded each year, but Apple did it anyways. Why? Because that’s how you move forward. In order to get from A to C, you have to go to B first. So maybe the Apple Watch 2 looks exactly the same as Apple Watch 1 with a few minor tweaks, but there’s no way Apple can get to Apple Watch 3 without doing 2 first.
In regards to smart bands, the idea of having to take out the port cover in order to use them does seem like a little bit too much work. Perhaps the next version of Apple Watch won’t cover that port with a metal cover. I’m not sure. Regardless, one thing is clear: There’s a lot more in store for the Apple Watch and watching this unfold is going to be fun.