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The Ultimate Apple Watch Stand Isn't A Stand At All

The Ultimate Apple Watch Stand Isn't A Stand At All

June 17, 2015

Lots of folks have been coming to WatchAware wondering where to get the best charging stand for their new Apple Watch. We’ve done our fair amount of roundups and reviews including one of my favorites, the HiRise from TwelveSouth. But is there a stand that’s both affordable and useful, and maybe even made from something we each likely already own?

The answer is yes. A book.

If you have an Apple Watch, you’re likely wearing it from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. Putting on my Watch is one of the fist things I do in the morning because I want all my activity to be accounted for. From making coffee to going out for my daily run, I pretty much have my Watch on until the moment I go to bed.

Usually, before I pass out, I’m doing some reading. Sometimes it’s on my iPhone, but usually it’s an actual old paper-bound book. (Right now I’m reading Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull. It’s an amazing book so far, and I highly recommend you give it a look.)

Anyways, the other night I realized something as I was taking my Watch off before bed: Books make for excellent Apple Watch stands. They won’t scratch the wearable, and they actually look much nicer — and less out of place — on my nightstand during the day compared to a naked Watch stand. Plus, you can actually read the thing before you go to sleep. And while you’re sleeping, the book can do its new job of keeping your Watch off the table and ready for action the second you wake up. Seriously, it’s perfect.


And when watchOS 2 hits, the book will be even more useful as a stand since Apple Watch will finally have its sideways “Night Mode” enabled.

Of course, some of you may still want a stand, and if you do, I can’t blame you. It’s nice to have stuff made especially for our stuff. But for me, I love the idea of having something around the house that helps make me smarter while doubling as a nice way to hold my Watch while I’m not using it.

The analog and digital worlds can coexist after all.