An Accumulation of Small Pleasures
I don’t need one because the device offers no special features or functionality that I didn’t already have available to me in other ways. My old Timex told me the time and offered a stopwatch when I needed one, and for the rest there was my iPhone, which (aside from also doing clock and stopwatch duty) already handled phone calls, messages, email alerts, Apple Pay, Apple TV and iTunes remote control, weather reports, Major League Baseball score updates, and even rudimentary fitness tracking.
What the Apple Watch does is to act as digital WD-40: so many little things become so much more frictionless with it.
A nice, bulleted roundup of some of the small, yet helpful features that come with living with an Apple Watch. There is no one “killer” feature for many people at the moment. Instead, it’s a culmination of small ones that make many owners very happy to own one. I expect this to always be the case.