Here Are the Top Twitter Clients for Apple Watch
For many of us, Twitter is our primary form of communication. From techies to teens to celebrities, we all use our phones and tablets to tweet out to the world. With the impending release of the Apple Watch, we now have a new way to communicate with the Twitterverse. At WatchAware, it’s our job to make sure you get the 411 on all the best Watch apps in a given category, and Twitter represents one of the most immediately pertinent platforms for Apple’s new wearable. To that end, we’ve come up with our first such list, and it’s comprised of what we feel to be the best Twitter clients available for Apple Watch out of the gate. While features are similar between all the Twitter apps we looked at, each has distinguishing characteristics that make it a viable candidate for the best client out there.
Official Twitter Client

The official Twitter client might be the least feature-rich app in the roundup, but it is still the official Twitter app, and as such, it is bound to be the most downloaded client by a wide margin. With support for viewing your recent timeline and Top Trends, you are more than able to stay in touch with the world around you. In supporting both Glances and notifications, as well as providing the ability to tweet directly from the app, Twitter has provided an easy way to stay in touch. They are also working on some unique new interactions that are specific to the watch, such as “Tweet this song”, “Follow back”, and “Say hi”. While they may not pack a lot of full features in, Twitter is certainly attempting to build an experience that seems at home on the Apple Watch.

Without a doubt the prettiest of the Twitter apps (just like the full iPhone version), Twitterrific developer The Iconfactory has created an experience that you want to use. With full support for composing new tweets and replies, retweeting, managing DMs, viewing personal stats, and much more, the Twitterrific experience is incredibly full-featured. Notifications in particular look amazing, primarily because they use such rich imagery. A great example of this is how the app provides a new follower’s profile picture right inside the notification itself. One interesting note is Iconfactory’s decision to charge a $1.99 IAP in order to unlock full functionality. It will be interesting to see if this gamble pays off for them, but if it does, expect to see others follow suit.
Tweetings 2

A simple and straightforward app, Tweetings 2 takes the safe route for their Apple Watch experience. They provide a nice middle ground between the barebones official Twitter client and Twitterriffic’s much loftier feature set, and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Great visuals and simple-to-use interactions make tweeting from your wrist a snap. While notifications are supported, there is no mention of Glance support, so if this is important to you (and Glances are kind of a big deal, so it probably should be), another client may be a better fit. Still, you can’t really go wrong with Tweetings, especially if you already use it on your phone as your regular Twitter client.
One notable absentee from this list is Tweetbot. As of the writing of this post, there is no information available on whether or not Tapbot’s flagship will be coming to Apple Watch. When and if it (or any other app) does, we’ll update this list to reflect the new Twitter app order. But even then, the Twitter client you use on your Apple Watch will most likely be the same one you use on your iPhone, just in a much more personal fashion.
Which is, of course, the entire point.