Apple Watch Series 1 and 2 Owners Noticing Improved Battery Life in watchOS 3.1
Roughly a week ago, Apple released watchOS 3.1, bringing a variety of bug fixes and improvements to watchOS3. Now that it’s been out a few days, many users who own either an Apple Watch Series 1 or Series 2, are reporting incredible battery life.
In one instance, MacRumors forum member, tromboneaholic, said that his Series 1 Apple Watch still had 75 percent battery life even after 16 hours of use even with “everything turned on like location services and background app refresh.” Other Series 1 and Series 2 owners have said things such as they can now “comfortably skip charging every other night.”
I read reports that beta users were getting great battery life under 3.1. I wasn’t prepared for how big the improvement would be. I have a Series 1, and I had 75% battery left after 16 hours yesterday. After charging it over night, I have 97% battery after 6 hours. This is with everything turned on like location services and background app refresh. So far I haven’t had any strange reboots like I had under 3.0. I would say this is an amazing update for the watch.
Other users have been pushing Apple Watch battery life to see how far they can go without a recharge, with a few getting them to last the entire weekend. Not bad!
Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Series 0 owners are seeing the same benefits with some seeing battery life decrease a bit. Personally, on my Series 0, battery life seems about the same, but it’s definitely nowhere near two days without a charge good. Still, I’m glad I updated to watchOS 3. The improvements make the Apple Watch so much better.
Are you seeing improved battery life? Let us know.