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WristPin for Pinterest

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WristPin for Pinterest

WristPin lets you browse Pinterest on your Apple Watch!


- Feed: Browse your Home Feed AND Feed from those you follow
- Profiles: View rich profiles - complete with pictures, follower/following list
- Pins: View details about Pins!
- Rich Media: Beautiful HD Photo support
- Secure: Log In and Out securely - and directly - to your account
- Notifications: View all of your notifications with a tap
- Search: Search for fresh new content with a tap!
- Much, Much, More....

Privacy: We NEVER share or save any of your info or data, period. WristPin never sends any info to external servers. The app fully works only on your iOS and watch devices to ensure your security and privacy.

Feedback: We always love hearing from you all! Don't hesitate to reach out to use for help or suggestions :)

Note WristPin is fully compliant with Pinterest terms of service.
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