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Use WhatsApp on your Apple Watch!

WatchApp is a watch chat tool app to help you to receive / send WhatsApp messages on your Apple Watch. Other features including add wa stickers to whatsapp, send fancy font text to whatsapp message, login second whatsapp account, covnert audio to text and scan QR code. You can use WatchApp to receive / send WhatsApp messages on your Apple Watch.

Main Features:
- Chat WhatsApp on Apple Watch
- WhatsApp on iPad
- Receive / Send Text messages
- Receive / Send Photo messages
- Receive / Send Audio messages
- Receive / Send Sticker messages
- Receive & Tip video / document / gif / location / contact info / poll messages
- 100% iPad version
- WhatsApp Stickers
- Send Fancy Font Text
- Speech to send Text
- WhatsApp 2nd account multi accounts parallel space app
- WhatsApp Stickers on Apple Watch

WatchApp is an UNOFFICIAL tool for WhatsApp Messenger. It's not supported or affiliated by official WhatsApp Inc.
This app does not collect any personal information. It collects crash reports and anonymous data for debugging purposes only.

You can use the WatchApp to chat with WhatsApp on Apple Watch for free forever. If you want to support the app's further development and access all functions of WatchApp, you can purchase the "Premium" subscription. You can have a 3-day free trial and consider whether to purchase it or not.

Privacy Policy:
Terms & Conditions:
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