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With WatchMeNow you post your position and also whether you are in time or late with one click from your watch or iPhone to facebook.

If you're on your way to your boy- or girlfriend, your friends or family and you're getting late, you are in a hurry and want to inform your friends very fast, then this is the app for you. Especially if you are driving a car, you shouldn't get distracted by posting long texts.

With the app you have the opportunity to inform your friends with just one click on your watch or iPhone. On the app, just use one of the buttons "in time", "too late" or "too early". The app automatically localizes you , marks your position on an open street maps (if you gave the permission to localize) adds text and posts this to facebook. Your friends can now see from your FB status where you are and guess the time you arrive.

The watch app even has a complication, this means, if you use the complication, you jump from your watch face directly to the app with the buttons.

You can change the texts, header and descriptions of the facebook post in the app before, so they to reflect your personal style.

Use the app standalone at the first time so you can give the necessary permissions: Localize (if you wan't) and the permission to publish on Facebook.

Data privacy:
The app WatchMeNow has the purpose to post the user position to Facebook. For this the user has to give the app the permission to localize his/her position and the permission to post on Facebook. The app doesn't save or send this information to any third party.
Johannes Eiseler