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Achieve Your Health Goals with Ease

Transform your health and achieve your weight loss goals with our Intermittent Fasting Tracker! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced faster, our app provides all the tools you need to succeed.

Key Features:

- Fasting Timer: Easily track your fasting and eating windows with our intuitive timer.
- Eating windows: Plan your meals during eating windows.
- Weight Tracker: Keep a close eye on your progress. Log your weight regularly, and watch those numbers change over time.
- BMI Index: Wondering where you stand on the Body Mass Index (BMI) scale? Our app calculates it for you.
- Customizable Plans: Choose from various fasting protocols.
- Reminders & Notifications: Stay on schedule with timely reminders and notifications.
- Apple Watch Support: Track your fasting and meals directly from your wrist with our Apple Watch app.
- Widgets: Use widgets to quickly view your fasting progress and upcoming meals right from your home screen.

Why Choose Us?

Our app is designed to make intermittent fasting simple and effective. With a user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, you’ll find everything you need to succeed in one place. Start your journey towards a healthier you today!

Download Now and Start Your Fasting Journey!
Mohamed Elgaafary