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Urdu News, Breaking News and Headlines on Urdutime's website and mobile apps.

UrduTimes is World's leading Urdu News publishing platform and printed newspaper. UrduTimes is North America's first Urdu newspaper which is published from several places in the world including Washington D.C, Miami, Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Toronto, Montreal, Islamabad, London, Birmingham and Manchester.

With Urdutimes, its easy and fun to read all the latest Urdu news including sports, education, business, science and technology, showbiz, entertainment and weather from all around the world.

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Health and Science: This section keeps you updated with the latest news and research happening in health and science world. Stay updated with the technology news and other updates from the world of Science.

Videos: Watch trending videos and share your own videos with lovely audience of Urdutimes.

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Answer to Win: Urdutimes is world’s first news app that rewards its users for reading news. Read our news and answer simple question every day. Prizes are announced end of every month.


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