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We have identified a huge problem for small and mobile retailers. There is no Point of Sales solution for them...

That's why we developed Tilltonic. Tilltonic is the first Point of Sales solution that has been developed specifically for small retail businesses. The focus of Tilltonic is less features, less clutter, and less problems, it even works offline.

Using Tilltonic, you can set up your store within minutes to begin tracking sales (or less than 60 seconds if you have less than 3 products). As the day goes on you log all your sales to Tilltonic, and at the end of the day you can view a really simple report of how the day went in terms of sales. You can use this information to quickly make changes to your business, and increase revenue.

If you sign up for a Tilltonic cloud account (free for the first 30 days) you can store all your sales data and till templates in one place. This means you can download and log into Tilltonic on any iPhone or iPad, and you'll have instant access to your store templates, making Tilltonic very fast to set up and very mobile.

Tilltonic operates on iOS 7 and iOS 8 - iPhone and iPad
Tilltonic Ltd