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Taptile Timetracking for working times and your timesheet hours

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Taptile Timetracking for working times and your timesheet hours

** Taptile Timetracking 2 is now available as a new app - search for 'Taptile' on the App Store, to load our latest app. **

This is the old version of our app which is no longer maintained, but a required update for existing users. This app will be removed from the App Store in the near future.

Do you have any questions or suggestions for us, please send us an email to our support, directly from the app!
Your Taptile Apps Team

The fastest and most flexible Timetracking App now for your Mac, iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch!

- Fastest One-tap time tracking via the stopwatch button on your iPhone and Apple Watch
- Edit the records of the last 7 days directly on your Apple Watch
- See at a glance on your Apple Watch for which task you're tracking time
- Efficient management of your entries with the calendar, clients, jobs, and tasks lists
- Free text and time filtering for evaluation of your data
- Graphical representation of your data in clear Charts
- Display of active entries on the AppIcon, in the NotificationCenter, on the Today and on Lock screen
- Excel and Numbers CSV export to email or to open directly on your device
- PDF export to email or to open directly on your device
- iCloud synchronization of your data between multiple devices
Taptile Apps UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)