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SwiftWish is the fastest way to send a birthday or anniversary wish to your friends and loved ones.

SwiftWish 3 stores and reminds you about birthdays and anniversaries using your contacts, and lets you send a text or email without even having to type the message. It's fast, easy, and fun. And all your friends will be glad you remembered.

• One-Touch Messages: If your friend has a birthday, you'll get a notification. Just swipe on the notification to launch the app, and you can choose to send an email, text, iMessage, or WhatsApp message.

• Facebook: Once you've setup your Facebook account in your device's Settings app, Facebook birthdays show up in SwiftWish.

• Contacts Sync: All of the birthday and anniversary information you enter is saved in the Contacts app on your phone.

• Apple Watch: You can view events directly on Apple Watch, and use Handoff to send the message from your iPhone.

• iPad: SwiftWish 3 fully supports the new multitasking feature in iOS 9, including Split View and Slide Over support.
Cixo Communications