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Spanish German Dictionary

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Spanish German Dictionary

Lost in translation? - Not with this app! Our Spanish Dictionary provides on-the spot help. Tried and tested a million times over. From the number 1* dictionary publishers.

No internet connection required, the Spanish Dictionary app also works in flight mode and abroad without roaming fees.

• Searching is lightning-fast and also functions via handwriting recognition
• Look up in other apps: simply copy a word or a text and switch back to the Langenscheidt Spanish Dictionary app – the words are displayed in the clipboard and can be looked up immediately
• Safari (iOS 8 or later): simply mark a text, tap the share icon and select the dictionary there (to do so, please first activate the dictionary on a Safari site under “Share > More”)
• Apple Watch: enter language for easy look-up (please activate the Spanish keypad on your iPhone/iPad to allow Spanish language recognition)

• Listen to pronunciation recorded by native speakers
• Free vocabulary card quiz for vocabulary training
• Declension and conjugation tables
• Save favourites for quick access to frequently searched words

Try the innovative search, translation and learning functions before you buy and select the perfect-fit Spanish dictionary for you. You can select via in-app purchase from the following options:

• Professional: XL size - our extra-large, in-depth series.
• Standard: L size - large and comprehensive - our all-rounder!
• Basic: M size - clear and uncomplicated - ideal for travel!

* According to market research institute Gfk Entertainment GmbH, Langenscheidt is number 1 for dictionaries sold in Germany.
Langenscheidt GmbH & Co. KG