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SiCal Watch Calculator
by Kai Schamuhn
SiCal Watch Calculator
by Kai Schamuhn
An extremely powerful standard and scientific calculator for the Apple Watch. Modern, customizable and incredibly versatile. Easy to use.• The keys of the calculator can be reassigned as needed.• And an intelligent cursor helps you to edit your calculation quickly. • On the Watch not only the last entered number is displayed, but comprehensibly the complete calculation path as text. Full editable on the Watch!• The clever display allows a perfect representation, even with infinitely long entries on the Watch.• Make the calculator even better. Create your own functions and constants! You can assign them on any key. Create your own professional calculators with your formulas!• History - old calculations can be recalled and reused at any time.• Calculators with new key assignments can be saved completely and can be recalled including the old calculations at any time!• Swipe gestures can be assigned to your own actions.• Many different calculator styles and icons selectable.• Perfect teamwork. It is possible to send the saved calculators to the iPhone, organize them there and share them with other users of this app ...… and so much more! Examples of what you can assign to the keys ...• self created functions and constants !!!• sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan()• sinh(), cosh(), tanh(), asinh(), acosh(), atanh()• x^y, x^2, x^3, 2^x, e^x, √, ³√,%, gamma Г, n!, erf(), erfc(), rnd, rand(), abs()• ln(), log(), log2()• ceil(), floor(), trunc()• % key - behavior under 'Settings -> Advanced' customizable at any time!• Constants: π, e • memory functions: 'history mode', MR, MS, MC, M+, M-• further special functions or characters: EE, 2nd, brackets : ( , ) • '=SMS' sends the calculation with solution as a message to friends and colleagues.• φ (PHI) - module to create own functions/constants• TIP - tip calculator• CST - use table with many predefined constants