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Remember To Remember
by ArcStone
Remember To Remember
by ArcStone
Remember To Remember is a simple app designed toremind you to think about a phrase or idea on anongoing, regular basis. By bringing a thought to mind ina consistent, disciplined way, RTR helps to establish arhythm and mindset that will help you change habits,establish new ways of thinking, and otherwise transformentrenched beliefs and persistent thought patterns.This tool was developed to help meditators, spiritualpractitioners, addicts, biohackers and others to bringtheir transformative practice off the cushion and intotheir day-to- day life. Set the app to remind you every 10minutes of ____________. You get one Tweet worth ofspace for your reminder phrase or question.For example, if you are trying to train yourself to be morepresent in day-to- day life, you can use RTR to remindyou to, “feel you toes” or “take three mindful breaths.” Orif you’re contemplating impermanence in your practiceyou might want to enter, “Consider how all this willchange” or “I am going to die, how do I feel about that?”For insight practice you might ask yourself, “What knowsthis experience?”Consistently reminding yourself and focusing earnestlyagain and again on a particular phrase or question canfacilitate breakthrough insight and access to wisdom thatlies beyond intellectual understanding.Effective practice can’t just be done on the meditationcushion - it’s easy to be mindful when there are nodistractions. The trick is being able to maintain yourpractice in the chaos of every day life. RTR is a tool thatcan help you bring your practice off the cushion and intoday-to- day life.It’s easy to forget what really matters, this app helps youto remember to remember.RTR works especially well with the Apple watch."Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life."