Plain Calc - Best Calculator for iPhone and iPad HD
Plain Calc - Best Calculator for iPhone and iPad HD
Born and grown up in Austria, I have learned to value simplicity. People here like it straightforward and simple. Upfront, polite but still always a bit cheeky. Thats the Austrian charm and its something that, I think, soaks through all the things I do. I am an iOS Developer, engineering student and programmer. And I have a simple policy: Every time someone interacts with a piece of my work, I want it to be a rewarding and enriching experience. Whenever you touch the lives of others with what you do, aim to make it better. Plain Calc does exactly that. Its a calculator, but its different. It does not waste any time to try and mimic physical pocket calculators. Instead, Plain Calc delivers its own experience. Its a piece of art and a piece of technology, running on a device much more powerful than any pocket calculator. And it feels that way.