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The app consists of three main sections: the timer, the compass, and the distance meter.

The timer consists of four lines. The first line is the name and due time for the given control. This font is always in yellow. The name and time are editable within the setup menu.

The second line is the actual time. This is the largest font and is always grey unless your timer goes into Over Time Limit, then the main time will flash to try and draw your attention to this fact.

The third line is the countdown clock. This timer will be green and count down to your due time. At which point, the timer will turn red and start to count up, indicating how late you are for the next control, until it reaches the Over Time Limit. You will see a message stating that you are now OTL and the main clock will flash. The clock will continue to count up even when it is OTL. There is an option within the setup menu to set the OTL to 15 mins only. Otherwise, the default will be 30 mins.

The fourth line is make-up time. This font is blue and is for indication only. The make-up time can be entered when in the setup menu. The intention is that it should help you not clock in early to a control when trying to make up time.

In the setup menu, you can add as many timers as you would like. Just press the Add Timer button to add timers. If you need to delete a timer, you can press and hold down on a timer. A Delete Timer option will appear to remove the timer. Click on any timer to set it up. The name can be changed. The 15 minutes OTL can be toggled on and off. The allowed makeup time can be entered, and the due time can be entered using the scroll dials.

When all your timers are set up, you will see that each button has the timer info on it for quick review. If you have more timers than can fit on the screen, you can simply, Press, hold, and swipe up and down to see them all.

There is also a button called Adj Times, this is to assist when your time card only has the times for the course opener car. The way this is intended to work is that you would set up all your timers with the times for the course opener car and then add your car number in the Adj Times menu. For example, if you are running as car 20, you can add 20 mins, this will add 20 mins to every timer set up. There is an add and subtract option just in case you get it wrong.

When on the main screen, you can simply swipe up or down over the top of the main timer to switch between timers. Alternatively, the Apple Watch App can be used as a remote control to switch between timers. The crown on the side of the Watch can also be used to switch between timers.

In the middle of the screen is the compass. There is nothing fancy about this. It just indicates the direction of travel with a handy left-right indicator for those that find traveling from north to south a bit more challenging.

At the bottom of the screen is the distance meter, which indicates the distance traveled in meters. The zero button can be used to zero the distance. Alternatively, the Apple Watch App can be used as a remote control to zero the distance meter.
Mark Browell