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My fooder plan

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My fooder plan

Stop counting calories and start living well.

¿What does My Fooder Plan offer?
- Create your weekly meal plan
- Create your own dishes or use our real food based plate selection
- Create your own ingredients
- Generate automatically your Grocerly List
- Print out a Fridge PDF directly from the app
- Did you forget to prep your meal or take the tupper out of the freezer?
 Receive daily notifications to know what the menu for tomorrow is
- You were busy and now it is too late to cook what you planned to? 
Set per meal reminders and avoid improvising meals
- Forgot to weight yourself this week? Set weekly weight reminders
- Forgot what is on the plan? Check your next meal on our Today Widget, or using the modular interface of the Apple Watch
- Copy tool for recurrent meals like breakfast and snacks
- Track your progress. Register your weight and follow your goals
- No login required

What is NOT in My Fooder Plan?
- The app doesn't tell you what to eat. The first time you launch it, it proposes a menu, so you can try all the functionalities of the app. From then onwards, you are on your own!
- The app doesn't guarantee that you will lose weight. It offers you a set of tools to support you in doing so.

Más información
- The app is targeted to people wanting living well by eating healthy food
- It helps you plan your weekly meals and it offers you tools to avoid improvisation
- My Fooder Plan doesn't offer paid content
- The content offered within the app has been curated by a professional nutritionist, and it's been paid by the developer

We believe that, to live well, we don’t need to count calories, just eat real and wholesome food. Along with an active lifestyle, this should be enough to reach your goals.

If you want more information, email us at [email protected], or contact us directly through the app.
Roberto Garrido