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My Daily Wallet

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My Daily Wallet

"My Daily Wallet" app helps you to manage your budget. When you register your monthly income and expenses such as bills; the app divides the remaining amount evenly to the days of the month and gives you a daily expenditure quota. If you exceed your daily quota, the expenses are going to be cut from the remaining days uniformly. Similarly, when you spend less than your daily quota, the quotas of remaining days are going to increase accordingly. Hence you can observe your daily expenses and control your budget easily.

Get ready to be warned by humorous massage when you are about to reach your daily quota!

In order to register your expenses, it doesn't necessary to open the application. All you have to do is record your expenses with the Widget plug-in, in no time - you don't even need to unlock the screen.

You can also add your own custom expenditure types (eg. coffee, entertainment, grocery stores etc.) It helps you to see the whole list of your monthly expenses, and eases keeping the track of your budget & how much you spend as percentages.

Furthermore, you can also keep track of the locations where you spent money by using the map screen.

Thanks to My Daily Wallet, you can be freed from your monetary worries and bring an order to your spending habits. Download this application that helps you to manage your budget and control your expenses with great ease.

Your Feedback matters a lot to us. We are looking forward for your advice and ready to improve ourselves with your support. Please feel free to write comments and voice your thoughts.

We hope you can benefit from our application!
Quantum Art