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MTG Life Counter with history

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MTG Life Counter with history

MTG Life Counter - it's your personal life counter for playing Magic the Gathering. You can check your moves with step by step history. Use your own favorite images on counters, add additional counters like Planeswalkers or Energy. Apple Watch app with history of match and names of players with own background image transferring function.

1. User-friendly interface
2. History of matches
3. Additional counters
4. Apple Watch app included
5. Players names and personal images on counters
6. Starting life 20, 30 or 40 hit points

if you find any bugs or you have any piece of advice for new features of MTG Life Counter please contact us:
[email protected]

All information used in this app is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
This app is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast.
Oleksandr Yakobshe