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MMA Bible

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MMA Bible

**NEW in version 2**

- Sticker Pack for fun easy use in Messages with friends and training partners!
- Today Extension to see what the Verse of the Day is. Get timely information from MMA Bible, at a glance!
- 3D Touch to quickly preview the Verse of the Day!


MMA Bible for iPhone and Apple Watch

A verse & thought every day for fighters.

MMA Bible is an app made by a pastor who is also a MMA fighter.

Every day waiting for you:
- Relatable topics that can act as a guide for the day
- New verses that will stand out in a fresh way
- Fighter Thoughts for each day's topic & verse crafted by Pastor Tim Ramsden
- Custom photos of real fighters at a real gym doing real training
- Glances of the daily verse on Apple Watch

If you've ever asked questions like "Are MMA and the Bible compatible? ... Are they incompatible?... What does the Bible say about MMA?"... this is what MMA Bible asks and answers. So lets take a walk thru this together along with everyone using MMA Bible on a daily basis asking the same questions.


Tim Ramsden has been a pastor for over 30 years at, the church he started, Community Bible Church. About 10 years ago he stumbled onto MMA at a local gym, and dove headlong into it, completing 3 fights to date.


Many thanks to Stephen Ramsden the co-founder of Hinterland Stills for directing photography on MMA Bible.
Matthew Ramsden