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You don't want a bulky and expensive Variometer?

You always forget your flight computer or don't remember to charge it's batteries?

You just want an easy way to log your flights?

You just want to see the most important flight data on your armwrist?

You're an Apple fanboy and want to do everything with your shiny new iPhone?

Then miniVario is your friend! It uses your iPhone and/or AppleWatch to do all of the above with the built in GPS and barometric sensors. Wether you are a paraglider, skydiver, BASE-jumper or just like to fall down stairs on a regular basis!

This App gives you:
- Live View of important data: Speed, Glide Ratio, Location, Air Pressure, ...
- Altimeter Mode (when you only need to know how high you are)
- Logging of your flight with automatic landing detection
- Auto-Calibration of the barometric sensor to the latest local QNH-value (Internet connection necessary)
- Analysis of your flights with built in graphs
- Export your flight logs to a number of formats (Excel, FlySight Viewer,...) for 3D visualization
- On iPhone, iPad and/or AppleWatch!
- Light and Dark Mode

Future Versions will include: Audio Output, Thermal Assistant, Autopilot!

Lukas Wheldon