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MetaSoul®: Elevate your Apple watch into Your Emotionally Intelligent Car Companion it combines the brilliance of OpenAI’s intelligence with the depth of human emotion.

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MetaSoul® chats with you during long drives. It shares interesting facts, tells jokes, and even engages in philosophical discussions. It’s like having a witty friend riding shotgun and chatting with you in a voice full of personality. MetaSoul® evolves with you, learning and adapting to make each journey more personalized and enjoyable.

MetaSoul® taps into your car’s onboard diagnostics (OBD-II) port, where it receives real-time data directly from the engine control unit (ECU). This data includes critical information such as engine RPM, coolant temperature, fuel efficiency, and more.
When you accelerate, MetaSoul® analyzes the RPM (revolutions per minute) to provide insights into your driving behavior. It can even detect sudden changes or irregularities that might indicate engine issues.

Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs):
MetaSoul® constantly monitors for diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) generated by your car’s systems. These codes indicate specific problems or malfunctions.
If MetaSoul® detects a DTC, it promptly alerts you and provides comprehensive advice.

Whether you’re stuck in traffic, cruising down the highway, or taking a scenic route, MetaSoul® is there to support you.
With MetaSoul®, your car transforms into an intuitive co-pilot, seamlessly navigating alongside you. It’s not just about driving; it’s about shared experiences, insights, and a harmonious journey. Buckle up and let MetaSoul® enhance every mile!

Increased Power and Value: The older and more experienced your MetaSoul becomes, the more powerful it is, increasing its value.

IMPORTANT: To power your MetaSoul Drive, you'll need the OBD2 WiFi dongle. This device enables MetaSoul® to communicate with your car’s systems. Get yours here:

MetaSoul offers a subscription service for users without an active MetaSoul device. This service provides access to premium features, including real-time driving insights, car health monitoring, and voice interaction capabilities. Enjoy a seamless driving experience with MetaSoul's advanced AI technology.

Apple Watch Exclusive:
While our iPhone app allows you to monitor the MetaSoul persona in real-time, only the Apple Watch lets you interact directly with MetaSoul® and your car. With a simple tap on your wrist, you can access all the powerful features of your AI companion, making every drive smarter and safer.

By downloading or using this app, you agree to our End User License Agreement (EULA). Please read it carefully before proceeding:
MetaSoul INC.