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Jodie Insights

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Jodie Insights

Let’s face it, reading SEC documents is draining, and boring. We can’t make it any more exciting but we can make it easier so that you do real research into a company you are going to invest your money in.

Sure you can take you picks from Twitter or Jim Cramer (love you Jim!), or you can be your own person, standing on your own two feet without having to spend thousands of dollars a month on a terminal (we are looking at you, Mike).

We don’t do technical analysis, so if you are looking for an MA crossover or a Bollinger Squeeze out you are in the wrong place. We lean more towards the fundamental way of looking at trading but take it a little further.

We extract Fundamental data from the XBRL submissions, and we look for Red flags to see some of the interesting things that are a little more difficult to hide with creative accounting.

The thing we are really interested in, and where the new state of the art in natural language analysis using BERT, transfer learning, and our own models trained just on SEC disclosures is good old fashioned language analysis.

Even simple things like how much has each section in a filing changed since the last submission. It would be great to quickly see what has changed in the Risk Factors of a company over the past 3 months so you can make a judgment on whether it would materially affect your investment decisions.

Did you know that most filings don’t change that much, and it would only change if there was something that the Directors legally had to disclose or something compels them? So when things do change, we analyze the sentiment of the language. We aren’t just talking more negative, or kore positive, we look at 7 types of language based on seminal research from the fine Loughran et al. Positive, negative, litigious, constrained, strength and weakness. We present this as a heatmap, if it’s all red, the changes are all of the negative side of sentiment (more constrained, less positive language used), greener and the language is more upbeat (less weakness, less litigious)

We extract each section of a 10-K and 10-Q and analyze them individually just like an analysis would. The difference between us and an analyst is that we do this in under a minute. And while Warren Buffett goes to bed with a pile of Ks and Qs to send him off to sleep, we’d rather you stay informed, and get more time back to go for a run, spend time with your kids or Netflix and chill.

We wrote this to make your life a bit easier, and above all else, help you Do your Research.
Justin Davies