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Hestia: Feel Safe – Your Ultimate Personal Safety Companion

Stay Connected, Stay Safe

Introducing Hestia: Feel Safe, the comprehensive safety app designed to keep you secure in any situation. Whether you're navigating unfamiliar areas, meeting someone new, or simply seeking peace of mind, Hestia has you covered.

Key Features:

Safe Spots Map
Easily find safe spots around you and view your friends' locations in real-time. Navigate confidently with a map that highlights secure areas and keeps you connected with your trusted circle.

Instant Alerts
Quickly send instant alerts to your emergency contacts by tapping the SOS button. Your location and a custom message will be sent immediately, ensuring that help is always within reach.

Emergency Contacts
Effortlessly add and manage your emergency contacts. Make sure the people you trust most are always informed and ready to assist.

Background Recordings
Activate background recordings in an emergency. Hestia will automatically record audio, providing valuable information that can be crucial in critical situations.

Safety Timer
Set a timer when you're heading into an uncertain situation. If you don't deactivate it, Hestia will automatically send a notification to your emergency contacts, ensuring they check in on you.

Discreet Design
Hestia is designed to be unobtrusive and easy to use, allowing you to send alerts and access features without drawing unwanted attention.
Andrea Romano