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Here's My Card QR

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Here's My Card QR

Share your business card in an instant with Here’s my Card QR. Use any contact from your contact list to create a QR code to have at the ready. Share your contact information and appear directly into the recipients contact list. No need for business cards, and no need to wonder if the recipient saved your contact details.

Quickly share your contact information
•Create your contact QR code from any contact in your address book.
•Your QR code will show up instantly when you launch the app .
•Your QR code is visible directly in the Today View.
•Display your QR code on your Apple Watch.
•Press-and-hold the QR code to copy/save an image of it (great for your last presentation slide).

Share Here’s my Card
•Share a link to the app with the QR code in the app.
•Gift the app with the share button at the top-right of this page.

A better way to connect
•Eye-catching contact sharing
•Super-fast to share
•Ultra-convenient to receive
•Saves money (electrons are cheaper than paper and don’t generate waste)
Chorus AB