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HeartBeat - Steps Monitor Widget is an iOS and Apple Watch application aimed to help individuals be more aware of their heart rate and stress level and its can monitor your steps build on your today widget.

HeartBeat requires an iPhone with a paired Apple Watch running WatchOS 2+ for full usage.
It also requires heart rate data access from the Health app in order to measure heart rate data and display it within the app. Any data collected will be reflected in the Health app.

Studies have shown that having a resting heart rate of greater than 75 beats per minute (BPM) may increase the risk of heart attack. HeartBeat aims to make individuals more aware of their resting heart rate to promote a healthy and happy heart.

With an Apple Watch and the HeartBeat app, users can monitor their resting heart rate, and if it is greater than 75 BPM (or a user defined target heart rate), the app will suggest that they "Calm Down." If users notice abnormally high resting heart rates for an extended period of time, it is recommended to see a physician.

So sit back, and Measure your HeartBeat.

- Apple Watch application directly integrating heart rate sensor
- Health integration - collects heart rate data and adds any data collected to the Health app
- Beautiful and simple iPhone and Apple Watch interfaces
- Build in Widget to monitor your daily Steps
- Conversion of your Steps to miles and floors
- Configurable target heart rate (if heart rate surpasses this, user should "Calm Down")
- View last heart rate reading on Apple watch and iphone
- Apple Watch Complication - shortcut to open the HB Apple Watch application
- Apple Watch Glance - shows last heart rate measurement
- Monitor heart rate and Chill level to be more aware of heart health

NOTE: This is not a medical product
Mohammad Masri