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Introducing Flip360: Your Ultimate Performance Tracker

Unleash the power of seamless movement analysis with Flip360 – the cutting-edge app designed to elevate your performance monitoring experience. Connect sensors (Apple Watch and/or Movella DOT) simultaneously to capture intricate movement data in high resolution. Revolutionize your training sessions by gaining real-time insights into jump metrics, allowing you to fine-tune your skills and enhance your overall performance.

Key Features:

1. **Multi-Sensor Connectivity:**
Flip360 effortlessly connects to both your Apple Watch and Movella DOT sensors, providing flexibility for capturing precise movement data and analyzing your jump performance.

2. **High-Resolution Data Capture:**
Dive into the details of your jumps with high-resolution data capture. Flip360 records essential metrics such as jump height, takeoff speed, air time, landing impact, and jump count with accuracy. Experience gaining new insights into understanding your movements on your daily training environment.

3. **Real-Time Session Monitoring:**
Stay in the moment with real-time monitoring of your jump metrics. Track your progress, adjust your technique, and optimize your training sessions on the fly. Flip360 empowers you to take control of your performance with instant feedback.

4. **Intensity/Load Quantification:**
Flip360 goes beyond basic metrics, providing you with intensity and load quantification. Understand the impact of each jump on your body and tailor your workouts for maximum efficiency and safety.

5. **Cloud Integration:**
Seamlessly upload both raw sensor data and processed jump metrics to your cloud platform of choice. Whether it's Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive, Flip360 ensures your data is securely stored and easily accessible from anywhere.

6. **Timestamped File Naming:**
Effortlessly overlay sensor data on video captures using the Quick Replay app. Flip360 ensures that every file is timestamped, allowing for precise synchronization and comprehensive analysis of your jumps.
Enhance your training, elevate your performance, and take your jumps to new heights with Flip360. Download now and embark on a journey to unlock the full potential of your movement data. Flip360 – because every jump deserves precision.
Quick Replay