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Countdown will help you to count down the days until a special event or, count from the days since an important moment in your life. You'll receive notifications when it's time.

Countdown to birthdays, holidays, an upcoming vacation, weddings, the New Year, parties, sporting events, concerts, and more.


- No advertisements

- Add your events as widgets to your iOS home screen

- Support for light and dark mode

- Count with days, weeks, months, hours, minutes

- Sync with all your devices from iCloud

- Sort events by name or date, ascending or descending

- Sort by repeating and one-time events

- Receive notifications when it's time

- Beautiful fullscreen live counter

- Share the image with live counter with friends and family

- No third-party tracking or analytics services are used. No personal data is shared with anyone.

- Default library with beautiful pictures to use for your events
Discoveruapps v.o.f.