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Beat on Wrist 4

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Beat on Wrist 4

• "Beat on Wrist 4" tells the beats of music to your wrist by the vibrations.
*This version is made for AppleWatch series 4.
I haven't check on ser.1 to 3.
And not work on the first model. Please keep on use "Beat on Wrist".

# Turn the Digital-crown to change a tempo.
# It's a stand alone app. You can use without iPhone.
* (But installation needs iPhone.)
# Made for the personal training. NOT FOR THE PROFESSIONAL USE.

Thanks for your download!

To improve the performance, please turn off "Wake Screen on Wrist Raise" from "General > Wake Screen" menu.

When the screen goes to sleep, the rhythm shall stumble. So please wait for fifteen seconds to the sleep, before you start play.

The limit of harder tapic (vibration) has up to 81 from 77. (Thanks for the pregress of the hardware.)
Apple Watch's built-in motion sensors always work on. When you shake your (watch side) hand hard, the sensors also start sense hard and make a rhythm confuse.
Unfortunately, it means "Beat on Wrist" is not suitable for drums, percussion and the other hard play.

I'll make it better. If you have any comment, please send me from the support page (

And please visit main page of OBA ART PRO ( to see and smile.

© Masahide Obata
Masahide Obata