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bathomatic® is a software application which uses the WiFi abilities of iPhone, iPad, iPodtouch with or without Apple Watch to control all functions of bathomatic control systems.

bathomatic® is the world’s first and only automated bath management system. It is made up of patented hardware and software in variety of configurations to suit all bath management requirements.

At the touch of a button bathomatic® closes the motorised drain, fills the bathtub to exact temperature and depth adding perfumes and bubbles. Apart from selecting value for all bath parameters, bathomatic® can remember nine favourite combinations of temperature, depth and aromas or store a preset for each member of your family

Suitable for new and retro installations, including whirlpools, without drilling or other invasive alterations, bathomatic suits any interior. The only visible parts are a drain and overflow/filler available in variety of finishes from chrome to gold. The system boasts a scope of connectivity and an open API making it perfect for integration with home automation systems in addition to its own all-glass touch interfaces which are waterproof and screwless.

In this version bathomatic® displays all available bathomatic® systems in range allowing for an instant at the touch of a button.
Unique Automation