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AWO KiWi Eltern

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AWO KiWi Eltern

AWO KiWi Eltern gives you access to information of your child's day.

In the News Feed you can view relevant diaries, bulletins, activities, and current images and videos. It is also possible to reply to invitations, activities, conferences and much more. For a better overview of it all, access the App's own Calendar. In the Calendar you can easily access all relevant events sorted by day, week or month.

Some more features are:
- Gallery with images and videos of your child.
- Communicate with your child's daycare centre.
- Maintain your contact information.
- Add profile images of yourself and your child.
- Send playdate invitations to other families.
- Register holiday and sick days.
- Log in with touch/ face ID.
- Check your child in and out of the institution.