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ACSI 2016 Annual Conference
ACSI 2016 Annual Conference
The Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI) is a collaboration between 29 Australian profit-for-members superannuation funds, and six major international pension funds and asset owners, who have joined together to efficiently advance their collective ownership rights to improve the management of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment risks and opportunities by Australian listed companies.In 2016’s volatile stock market environment, it’s vital that institutional investors keep their eyes on the long term goal.ACSI’s 2016 Annual Conference will give you access to experts to help navigate the key ESG issues on the investment horizon: de-carbonising the economy and institutional investors; human rights risks and corporate culture; how super fund boards are approaching ESG; and the return of our renowned and always illuminating directors’ panel. The conference will close with a first-hand account of corporate scandal - former Olympus Corporation President and CEO, Michael Woodford, on the fraud, treachery and intrigue that made him blow the whistle and left him fearing for his life.