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Flashvote is the simplest, best and most entertaining way to capture and view group reactions from friends and followers!

First, send questions and answers with images or video directly to close groups or to your followers’ feed. Then receive direct and meaningful responses from those Flashvoters. Transform everyday group conversations into effective and fun moments with others! Flashvote – Question Everything.

People use Flashvote to:

* Create simple and fun group conversations by adding images or video to questions and answers
* Send Flashvote questions directly to groups of friends
* Instantly receive direct and meaningful reactions from Flashvoters
* Share Flashvotes across SMS text, WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook and more
* Connect with Flashvoters all over the world by following users
* Submit questions with hashtags to teams such as Real Madrid
* Respond to Flashvotes instantly with the Apple Watch app
Shout TV Inc.