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Epicenter - 30 Days Of Worldwide Earthquakes

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Epicenter - 30 Days Of Worldwide Earthquakes

-- Use the Apple Watch to view earthquake data from the past 24 hours:
-- Closest earthquake to your position
-- Largest earthquake worldwide
-- The data available includes magnitude, distance, time, place name and map!
Glance for Epicenter
Quickly know the magnitude and distance from your position of the closest earthquake than has occurred within the past 24 hours. Data on the largest earthquake worldwide that has occurred within the past 24 hours is also provided.
Closest earthquake to your position
See data for the closest earthquake to your position that has occurred within the past 24 hours. Tap the Map button to see a display showing your position and the location of the earthquake. Earthquakes are color coded with largest red and the smallest green.
Map of closest earthquake to your position
Tap the Map button to view the map display. Your position is represented using the blue dot. The earthquake dot will be color coded depending on it's magnitude. In this case the dot is green signifying an earthquake of a magnitude less than M2 (phew!).
Largest earthquake worldwide within the past 24 hours
Scroll down from the closest earthquake to view data for the largest earthquake worldwide that has occurred within the past 24 hours. Tap the Map button to view a location of this earthquake. Again, the earthquake will be color coded depending on its magnitude (see the iPhone app for details).
Map view of the largest earthquake worldwide within the past 24 hours
View a map showing the position of the largest earthquake to have occurred within the past 24 hours. If this earthquake is far away from your position, the map will zoom out to show the earthquake location and at the same time provide geographic perspective on its location.
Video of Epicenter
Starting with a view of the glance, the video walks you through the app viewing data about the closest earthquake to your position within the past 24 hours and the largest earthquake worldwide within the past 24 hours. The corresponding map views are also shown.
Blue Rocket, Inc.

Blue Rocket is a mobile app development studio devoted to consumer focused mobile apps since 2008. Blue Rocket has created top-rated apps such as Chipotle, Zinio Newsstand, and many others. Blue Rocket provides startups and established brands strategy, design, and development services to create market leading iOS mobile applications and now Apple Watch apps. Blue Rocket's CEO is a trained geophysicist, earthquake geek and coder ... thus Epicenter!