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Kata Workout

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Kata Workout

Kata is a very important part of karate training. As we move up in rank we learn more and more kata but often focus on one or two at a time. As we move on the older kata we learned are worked less in favor of newer ones. Have you ever stood on the floor looking to work kata but had trouble deciding which kata to do? Or perhaps you are going through your mental index of kata and realize that you had forgotten about a kata all together. Kata Workout will help you balance out your kata training. Contains a basic kata list for Shotokan, Shito-Ryu, Isshin-Ryu, Wado-Ryu and Goju-Ryu practitioners.

Features include:

- Select all the kata you want to work and work them in order or randomly.
- Select kata by difficulty level.
- Timed workouts. Only have 15 minutes and can't decide which kata to do? Let Kata Workout choose for you.
- Kata tracking:
- App keeps track of how many times and when the last time you did a kata
- Calendar. Built in calendar shows you all your kata workouts.

Attention Pebble Smartwatch owners!
Kata Workout works with your Pebble Smartwatch. Download the companion app from the Pebble watchapp store and cycle through your workout without having to go back to your phone. Displays current kata, controls and timer (if doing timed workout)
Its simple:
1. Launch watch app.
2. Configure and start your workout on your phone.
3. Attach your watch to your belt and you can move on to your next or skip a kata right from your watch

NOTE: This is not an instructional app. There are no videos or diagrams of kata in this app. Check out the iShotokan Kata series of apps for kata references.
Richard Parrinello Jr.