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Share the music you love with the world. Experience together in real time, the next generation platform for listening to music with friends and people across the world. Pulse takes the silent disco experience global.


• Create a community and queue the music you are loving.
• Queue songs from Spotify* and SoundCloud.
• Listen to music with users globally in real time.
• Chat about the music that is playing.
• Connect with friends new and old.
• See what music is currently trending within a community and across the world of Pulse.
• Relive the moments, seeing the conversations that took place and the music that was playing.
• Listen to music trending on social networks including Reddit.
• Automated genre based communities.

A network connection is required at all times.

* A Spotify Premium account is required to listen to Spotify songs.

Keep in Touch:

• Twitter:
• Facebook:
Ben Beeson