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TrackCC Attendance +
by TrackCC Inc.
TrackCC Attendance +
by TrackCC Inc.
School types- Single teacher or multi-teacher- Customizable for any type of school- From day care to high school to universities- From public schools to private schools & home schools- Music schools, sports schools, dance schools- Can also be used for summer camps, conferencesIn-app messaging- Supports text messages, photos and documents- Teachers can message students and guardians- Students and guardians can message teachers- School teachers can message other teachers- School admins can message teachers, students, guardiansAttendance- Separate check-in & check-out- Customize up to 5 attendance types for each- Statistics per student and per class- Create your own statistics periods- Record student attendance by scanning student IDs with bluetooth scanner- Take attendance with Apple WatchBehavior- Track points for up to 26 behavior items- Customize behavior items per class- Points range from -99 to +99 per behavior per day- Statistics per student and per class- Create your own statistics periodsGrading- Track points & grades for up to 26 grading subjects- Customize grading subjects per class- Points per subject range from 0 to 999- Define your own grading system- Grades per subject & overall grades- Statistics per student and per class- Create your own statistics periodsStudent reports- Summary of student’s attendance, behavior & grading data- Teacher’s notes per each daily recorded item- Includes student notes, class notes- History view shows all items in chronological order- Statistics view shows all data in a graphical format- View statistics by period, or data details by dateApp communication- Daily student-specific notes & photo- Daily class-wide notes & photo- Student reports condense all recorded data- Complete history & full statistics- Students & parents get a consolidated student report- Private school-only student accounts (in lieu of email accounts)Email communication- Web-based email tool- Customize message & include embedded images- Include clickable links & file attachments- Send emails to students, parents & teachers- Email tool keeps track of bounced emails- Both teacher & administrator can send emails Notifications- Students and parents can receive automatic notifications- E.g. when student is marked as absent, parent receives text or email- Three types of notifications: app, email, text- Configure preferred notification method per student and per parent- Customize notification message to be sent via email or textOther features- App works both online & offline (no internet)- Automatic cloud backup when connected- Real-time multi-device sync- All data exportable as XLS or CSV