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The ServiceBoard App of the HOMAG Group concentrates for our customers all service subjects around the machine in one app.

The ServiceBoard App offers the following functions:

Video diagnosis:
- Live video transmission directly into the ServiceCenter of the HOMAG Group.
Motto: Demonstration is better than long explanations.

- Direct starting of eParts without new log-on.
- By means of QR scan direct skip to the suitable machine in eParts.

- Display of the states of maintenance of all machines equipped with ServiceMonitoring.
- Display of the required maintenance documents.
- The key figures of the machines with Service Monitoring.
- The IT security state (antivirus) of the machines is displayed.
- By means of QR Scan one machine can be filtered.

Service inquiries:
- Direct forwarding of a service inquiry to the ServiceCenter of the HOMAG Group.
- Following up of service inquiries directly from the ticket system of the HOMAG Group.
- Attaching of photos to new service inquiries.
Motto: Demonstration is better than long explanations.
- Display of spare parts, including tracking.

- View all service technician inserts.
- View the maintenance forecast for the next 4 weeks.
- Synchronization of all Events in the personal calendar.

- iPad/iPhone with at least iOS 8.0
Recommendation: iPad
- Good WLAN/3G internet connection on the machine for the iPad/iPhone.
Recommendation: WLAN
- A HOMAG Group Extranet account with “ServiceBoard” authorization.
- Teleservice contract
- For the function “Service Monitoring” the service monitoring on the requested machines is necessary.

Apple Watch functions:
- Sending a new service request.
- View all open and closed service requests.
- Viewing the Service Board Push Notifications.