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OTP m-bank

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OTP m-bank

M-bank aplikacija omogućava Vam da brzo, jednostavno i sigurno pristupite svojim računima i izvršite transakcije, bilo kada i bilo gde.


Pregled računa
Plaćanja, uz niže naknade
IPS QR Plaćanja
Pregled kartica
Pregled kredita i rata
Menjačnica, po povoljnijem kursu
Lokator ekspozitura i bankomata
Svet popusta
Slanje novca
Kupovina osiguranja
Poruke - za komunikaciju sa bankom

M-bank enables you to access your accounts and execute banking transactions anytime and anywhere, in a simple, fast and secure manner.


Accounts overview
Payments, at lower fees
IPS QR Payments
Cards overview
Loan and installments overview
Exchange of foreign currency 24/7, at a favourable exchange rate
Branches and ATMs locator
Discount club
Money transfer
Insurance buying
Messages - for communication with the Bank