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Working out to music played in sync with your natural stride is pretty magical. 

 Leading sports psychologist Dr. Costas Karageorghis likens it to a kind of legal performance-enhancing drug.

We like to think of it as a symphony where your body's the orchestra and your music's the conductor. Except at this symphony, you get to wear sweatpants.

Walk (in a whole new way)
It's hard to top regular walking as an enjoyable way to improve your fitness and overall health, but we think we've done it. Syncing your steps with your favourite music creates a fun and immersive walking experience that'll have you longing for your next wander.

Try a Walk/Run Workout

Start your workout at a comfortable tempo for walking and, when you're ready for some intensity, turn the tempo dial. Making gradual increases until you transition to a running tempo. Dial the tempo down again when you need a little rest.

Improve your efficiency and endurance
Whether you want to walk faster, transition from walking to running, or run/cycle more efficiently, adjusting your tempo (or cadence) can help.

Once you've found a comfortable tempo, increase your cadence tempo, by about 1-2 BPM per week, until you reach your goal. Gradual increases are key to long-term, sustainable improvement.

Keep a steady rhythm
If you're having trouble staying on beat, turn on the feedback metronome to guide you. It fades in when your steps lose sync with the music and fades out when you're back on track.

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Applied Health Science